Stuart Elliott aka 'The Soul Whisperer'
Change Facilitator | Personal Growth Strategist
  • "One 15 Minute Call...

    Is all it took to give Becky fresh, new passion for life plus a potent tool to swat away anything that attempted to derail her new-found happiness.

    It was a remarkable breakthrough & I'm curious what delightful results you will get when we get on a call too.

    I'm certain your happiness will soar because I'm dedicated to guiding you to breakthrough any challenges and be Confident, Courageous & Capable at Navigating Change in your personal or professional life.

    Lock-in your no cost, 60 min Breakthrough Call right now, before all the slots are taken. Valued at $497, you can grab this precious gift for no fee today because it's wonderful to give you something special.

    Why not click the button below and...

    Reserve Your Breakthrough Session Now

Your Priceless Gift Of Inner Happiness

My mission is to guide you to activate your priceless gift of inner happiness. It resides deeply locked away in so many people, but it has been there all the time and...

It just needs to be set free. 

WIth my guidance, you will be able to release any limiting behaviours and beliefs that have been holding you back. Any feelings of lack of self-worth, imposter syndrome, not being enough, and more, can be dealt with quickly & efficiently with my specialised tools.

All you have to do is join me on a no cost call and we'll get started on your breakthrough right away.

Eddie Sand

"Amazing Listener...

Stuart, what he does, he makes sure that you as a person, as an individual and no matter what you do, you have happiness and joy...

He finds out who you are, your inner self, and picks what needs to get done for you to transform your mindset.

He does it in a way that’s just talking... He is an amazing listener... He got inside of me, took out what I needed to hear and fed it back to me very clear and the lightbulb went off...” 

Book Your Breakthrough Call Today

Getting You Results, Fast...

 I developed the Clear, Plant, Nurture, Harvest (CPNH™) system to help you blast away any crushing limitations & connect to your vast untapped potential as you become the incredible person you were meant to be. There are 4 key steps to getting great results fast...

    • Clear the land - Identify & remove any hidden blockages or past programming that's been holding you back
    • Plant the seed - We'll discover what your soul has been trying to tell you about living your best life & plant that seed
    • Nurture your dreams - Germinate the seed and feed & water it so it grows quickly. We'll also take care of any pests that might arise along the way
    • Harvest - Time to celebrate 😁 you will really enjoy your fresh, new life satisfaction & happiness

You see, life-success & happiness don't have to be strangers. You can enjoy both starting today...

All You Have To Do Is...

Scan the QR code or click the orange button below it and you'll be taken to my scheduling page. Choose a time that suits you and...

Turn up for the call so I can give you the breakthrough you're looking for.

You'll get to experience the breathtaking potency of the CPNH™ coaching system in action. Many people tell me it's like being reborn as they quickly transition from their old limited self and step into all the untapped potential they have.

One gentleman I worked with had a debilitating fear of flying. After 30 - 40 minutes of starting his coaching session he sat there with a bemused grin on his face as he said: "I don't know what happened, but I'm not scared of flying anymore... I don't even know why I was so scared in the first place."

And, that's the sort of result you can have when you join me on a breakthrough call.

QR code  to book a breakthrough call with Stuart Elliott aka the 'Soul Whisperer'
Click or Scan to Book Your Breakthrough Call Today

Who Is Stuart?

Stuart currently lives in the South of China with his wife & two young children.

Born in the UK, he has 40 years of experience living in different countries & cultures. First in Africa and, latterly, China.

He's qualified in many disciplines of Hypnotherapy and is John Grinder certified in both Classic & New Code NLP.

He's been dubbed a 'Soul Whisperer' and uses his vast knowledge of people & mindset plus his formal training to guide you to fully activate your untapped inner potential. 

"It's truly amazing what you can achieve with the right guidance." - Stuart Elliott

Book Your Breakthrough Call Today

What People Are Saying

“You are my dear mentor, you encourage me to find my own way to live and help me to build up my independent character... My dream, my courage, my visioning skills were established step by step... You changed a lady’s life. You are such a brilliant, kind, generous person.“


“The time I spent with Stuart is a real blessing... I now have the clarity, direction & certainty to move forward with confidence. I heartily recommend Stuart to anyone looking to grow –

either in a personal or professional capacity.”

Frances Beaty

“Stuart has a knack of being able to peel back the layers to clear the fogginess and reveal a firm and definite clarity.”

Peer Feedback - Marcie Buxton

“Stuart’s knowledge & experience reflect the astute comments and direction only a true professional can give.
He really is an intuitive guide & certified change agent... His patience & deep desire to assist you in discovering what is missing elevates him to the level of a master teacher...“
Francois Lupien

Book Your Breakthrough Call Today

Not Ready to Get on A Breakthrough Call?

That's great.

I'd like to thank you for coming to have a look around. I don't want you to leave empty handed though, so here's a lovely gift to say thank you for visiting today.

A mindfulness cheatsheet that will assist you in becoming more mindful every day. It contains 6 simple mindfulness practices that you can start to master right away...

And when you do you will find you become better ablto dissolve any unnecessary fear, anger, resentment, inner criticism & judgement of yourself and others.

What’s more, research shows that people who are more mindful are generally happier too.

Download Now


Have a look at this blog post...

Ken Caputo wrote it on his own volition & it reads more like a letter of recommendation - WOW, is all I can say - big thanks to you Ken.

Join me on the 'Breakthrough the BS Barriers' show

We go live every Thurs at 9am HK/Perth - if you can't make it live you can still catch the replay.